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Thursday, January 31, 2008

How To Control Your Symptoms of Gout

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Diet is one of the best ways to deal with the symptoms of gout. Gout is an inflammation of the joints in your body. It most often occurs in the joint of the big toe and the ankle joints. While there are many different treatments for gout, diet and paying attention to your nutrition needs is one of the best ways to deal with symptoms of gout.

The Diet For Gout

If you would like help controlling the symptoms of gout through diet, research has produced a large quantity of information that suggests following the regimen below may help treat your debilitating condition.

First, try to drink plenty of water. Keeping water in your diet can help to flush the uric acid from your body. Uric acid crystalizes on your blood stream and settles in your joints, causing the painful inflammation. Drinking the water will help prevent this entire process from staring. Be sure to eat unprocessed foods as much as possible. Consuming fresh foods that have not been refined will really help control they symptoms of gout.

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, soybeans, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish are must adds to your diet.

Eating unsweetened cherries, whether canned, fresh, or frozen, can also help immensely. Cherries and other deeply pigmented berries can help to lower the uric acid level in your body, preventing problems.

Moreover, staying away from purine-containing foods, like organ meats, beer, and baked goods, can keep the symptoms of gout at bay. At all costs, avoid alcohol, animal fat, red meat, fried food, and caffeine if you want to stay away from the symptoms of gout. Working on your diet will help relieve your symptoms and prevent your pain.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of an arthritis and gout website providing gout treatments as well as an answer to what helps gout pain and unbiased reviews of popular arthritis remedies.

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