Cure Gout Instantly

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Diets That Help Control Gout

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Gout is a disease that affects body joints, especially the ones from the extremities. Gout means a high production of uric acid that can not be eliminated. Uric acid is a waste product of the body that occurs when certain types of foods are eaten. With the help of the kidneys the body eliminates the uric acid. Though, the surplus that can not be eliminated will deposit in joints or soft tissues. That explains why the most affected parts of the body are the joints, particularly the big toe, the feet, the ankles, the arms and hands.

Since the ancient times gout was considered as a disease caused by diets. Gout is the result of excessive consumption of foods and alcohol, and may occur if high purine foods are eaten regularly. Alcohol drank regularly may also lead to gout. Usually men around 40 catch this disease. They represent a high percentage of the patients. Women are not at risk such as men. In most of the cases women develop gout at menopause, around the age of 50.

Nowadays we have the certitude that gout is a disease that is strictly connected to several factors such as diet, alcohol intake or high doses of medication.

For avoiding gout, people should limit the intake of foods high in purine because purine creates uric acid. Most of the foods of animal origin contain purine. These foods are not restricted but a moderate consumption is recommended. Also recommended are the vegetables especially those with apigenin but other flavonoids too. Apigenin is found in vegetables like parsley, thyme and peppermint. Because of the chemicals they contain, black berries are also recommended for people with gout.

Years ago specialists believed that high purine vegetables such as peas, spinach, mushrooms or asparagus affect the human body and may lead to gout. Now our specialists know that these vegetables are unable to increase the risk of gout.

It is recommended for patients to be informed about the diet that they should follow in order to control gout. They should know that the source of body protein should not be meats as before and they should rely on low-fat diary products and soy. They should also give up consuming high fat products and should figure out a way to replace them. Beer should be avoided because is the main cause of developing gout. Patients with gout also need to stay hydrated so at least 8 cups of fluid a day is necessary.

For more information about gout treatments please review> or even

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