Cure Gout Instantly

Friday, May 16, 2008

Shock Your Gout Into Submission Cure Gout Fast & Easy

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Gout


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I suppose the first thing you want to know is, do you have the Gout. How do you find out for sure and what are the symptoms. And last how to Cure the Gout.

Symptoms of Gout will most certainly drive you to your Doctor. Your family Dr. will make every attempt it find out if you have any genetic history of the Gout. And he/she will examine the afflicted area. Usually this is the area of the Big Toe. He/she will look for swelling and redness, along with tenderness of the area. Sometimes there will be a feeling of " hot" as well.

The next step is likely a very simple and quick blood test. This test will determine the amounts of uric acid in your system. If the levels are above 8.5 mg/dL for men and 6.6 mg/dL for women, in combination with the results of the physical examination will result in diagnosis of Gout.

If there is doubt, your Doctor may want to remove "synovial fluid" from around the inflamed area. The fluid is then examined with a microscope for uric acid crystals. These crystals are what has been deposited from excess Uric Acids. They have very sharp edges and are the source of the incredible pain of Gout.

Here is the good and the bad news. There are three stages of Gout that you really should know about. A quick explanation of them is in order.

Please do not panic if you find yourself on the list. Gout is possible to control and in most cases prevention of a recurrence is highly likely.

The first stage is Asymptomatic ( a really big word for you have no symptoms) and treatment is not needed, prevention is. This stage is sometimes referred to as hyperuricemia stage. Or you have an elevated Uric acid content.

The second stage is Acute Gout.. this stage needs treatment. It is when you have pain and swelling and are having a difficult time getting around on the foot or feet.

The third stage is "Chronic tophaceous gout" in this stage aggressive treatment may be called for to prevent permanent damage to the joints.

Once the diagnosis of Gout has been finalized you will be presented with the very difficult problem of determining the treatment of the Gout.

I am not a Doctor, so I cannot and will not spend time talking about prescribed drugs. Except to say that most drugs that are used for treatment of the Gout have been known to produce some significant side affects over time. Some of these side affects include, loss of bone density,weakened immune system, heart arrhythmia, migraines along with other less often discussed medical and health issues.

Some of the treatments often used are: anti steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchicines ( an anti gout drug) oral corticosteroids or as a last resort injections of corticosteroids directly into the afflicted area.

But that should not stop anyone from pursuing alternate cures for the Gout. Treatment of the Gout is a must. Left untreated, it can become a very serious health issue. Joints can be severely disfigured, Kidneys can become overwhelmed with the effort of attempting to rid the body of excess Uric Acid. Kidney stones could develop. And that is nothing you want to deal with.

These are the things that need to happen:

You have to eliminate the pain and inflammation of Gout, Increase the ability of your body to eliminate Uric Acids Decrease the production of Uric Acid in your body, Boost your kidney function to ad in elimination of Uric Acid, Detoxify your cells that help fight off gout, And give these cells renewed strength to remain on point. Whew !

So not treating the Gout is absolutely not an option. There may be times when it will just seem to disappear. Symptoms subside and you will feel like you have weathered the storm. You may have. But not usually.

Cure the Gout.. that is an option. There are natural cures that will help

Search them out. Get rid of the Gout. I hope this has helped.

My name is Paul Macleod, I am, or was a Gout Sufferer, I have done my homework, searched far and wide to find a way to cure the gout. If you would like more informatioin that may help you or someone you know that struggles with the gout go here :

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