Cure Gout Instantly

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How To Find A Gout Free Diet

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Finding a gout free diet may be simpler than you first think and it may surprise you to know that are a surprising number of additional benefits that can be had.

Having excess uric acid in the blood stream causes gout. When it reaches saturation point, the uric acid crystallizes and deposits itself into the spaces between joints and the soft tissue that surrounds them. These crystals cause the arthritic symptoms - the red, swollen, hot and sore-to-touch joints that characterize gout and the symptoms can come on very suddenly.

Uric acid is naturally produced by the body and is an antioxidant. During the metabolizing process it is dissolved in the blood stream and then excreted via the kidneys and intestines. However, too much can be a bad thing, leading to a situation within the body called hyperuricemia.

Hyperuricemia is when uric acid levels are too high and can lead to gout and kidney stones.

Also, a recent study by doctors at John Hopkins University Hospital found that cognitive functions can be reduced if there is increased Uric Acid in the body. The research was carried out on just under 100 people between the ages of 65 - 92.

They found that elevated levels of uric acid meant that people were more likely to have below average scores on cognitive function tests. So, not only can high uric acid levels lead to a painful gout attack, but can negatively effect your verbal and memory scores. More reason to find a gout free diet that will help to lower uric acid levels.

Although gout is can be a hereditary condition where the body fails to process uric acid efficiently, you can help your body regain its balance by minimizing external factors that raise uric acid levels. One of the main factors that you can control to alleviate gout is to reduce the levels of purine rich foods consumed.

When purine is ingested the waste by-product is uric acid. Purine is found in many of our foods and in all proteins to a greater or lesser degree.

The worst offenders are red meats, offal, processed meats, some shellfish, yeast extracts, gravies and alcohol. All of these encourage uric acid production within the body.

When you are looking to implement a gout free diet you need to ensure that you avoid these trigger foods and substitute them for gout friendly foods such as, cereals, fruits, complex carbohydrates, rice, leafy green vegetables and low fat milk products.

Ensure that you are keeping your body sufficiently hydrated by drinking at minimum 6 - 8 eight ounce glasses of water. Dehydration will increase uric acid levels as without enough water uric acid will become more concentrated in the blood and the kidneys will struggle to expel it. By staying hydrated you will dilute the uric acid and the kidneys will have a easier time of the elimination process.

You can find out more about relieving gout symptoms for good by signing up for our free newsletter.

One last thought, a gout free diet does not need to be boring many herbs and spices, and healthy options are available to make tasty and nutritious meals that won't aggravate your gout.

By Lisa McDowell. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover how a gout free diet can be an effective natural cure for gout.

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