Cure Gout Instantly

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Forms of Gout

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Strictly speaking, gout is caused by hyperurecemia, an elevated level of uric acid in the bloodstream due to the body's inability to dispose of this acid. This causes the uric acid to crystallize in the joints, usually beginning with the joint of the big toe. However, there are many misconceptions about gout. Sometimes just when you think you have gout, you have something else instead.

Pseudo-gout: When Gout Isn't Gout

Gout and pseudo-gout both have the same symptoms of aching, swelling, inflammation, and loss of range of motion but the similarity stops there. While gout is caused by crystallization of uric acid in the joints, pseudo-gout is caused by the calcification of the joints. These two conditions appear very different when fluid is extracted from the joint and looked at under a microscope. Also, the source of the pain is different. While gout may be compared to trying to walk with shards of glass in your feet, the pain caused by pseudo-gout comes from the body's natural attempts to protect itself. By sending out special cells called neutrophils to destroy the affected area, the body also destroys some of the live tissue surrounding it, causing pain and swelling.

True gout: Not just in the toes

Gout, if allowed to go untreated, could begin to cause pain in other parts of the body. Contrary to most people's understanding of this affliction, gout is not limited solely to the joint of the big toe. It attacks any of the soft tissues in the body so all the joints are at risk. Scientists have attributed the onset of gout solely on the big toe to the fact that this is the part of the body that receives the least amount of blood flow, and consequently the least heat. Uric acid crystals have been observed to form faster in cold environments. Eventually, if gout continues to go ignored, crystallization of uric acid could spread to the vital organs, affecting basic tasks such as digestion and urination.

Be sure to see your doctor regularly and have medical checkups done annually, particularly if you are above the age of forty. Being prepared against the agony of gout is your best defense.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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