Cure Gout Instantly

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Causes, Diagnose and Early Treatment of Gout

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The hyperuricemia known as Gout develops as a debilitating condition assembling arthritis with accumulation of uric acid crystals in the body?s joints. Over the past 20 years the incidence has doubled also accompanied by another debilitating condition called obesity. Gout is an inflammatory disease occurring especially in men over the age of 50 in countries with an unhealthy diet like Western Europe and the USA. A starches based diet seems to prevent the appearance of Gout in many countries.

Patients suffering from degenerative osteoarthritis complain of joint swelling, pains and high levels of blood uric acid. These patients usually think they suffer from Gout. The suspicion of Gout exists when a body-joint suddenly becomes inflamed, red and painful, but certain diagnose can only be established after several investigations like finding uric acid crystals and evaluating samples under the microscope.

The accumulation of uric acid crystals occurs because the kidneys cannot eliminate it successfully or because the body produces uric acid in excess. The most common cause is a high intake of the precursors found in food and called purines. Purinic bases are mainly contained in fish, meat, animal muscles, poultry and seafood. Vegetables containing purines do not contribute to the apparition of gout and also moderate consume of the mentioned food cannot trigger hyperuricemia. Alcohol products are also known to stimulate the accumulation of uric acid in the joints.

Gout can be triggered by high amounts of released body fats during diets as the uric acid is stimulated to crystallize and deposit into the joints. Although the risk of developing Gout in these cases is relatively small, physicians recommend the administration of an anti-gout medication with 0.5 mg Colchicines daily for about six months during the weight loss diet.

More cases of hyperuricemia have developed after a low-carbohydrates diet was recommended, that is known to contain high amounts of purines. Like the foods rich in proteins, these kinds of food determine a rapid loss of weight and trigger an increase of the uric acid levels in the blood. The caused stress will raise the seric uric acid as well.

An early treatment of Gout increases the chances of a rapid recovery. The primer Gout medication is based on Colchicines and also the less preferred NSAIDs due to their side-effects. Patients with high levels of uric acid in their blood can be treated with Allopurinol, but persons with normal uric acid can also suffer acute attacks of Gout. High levels of seric uric acid without a chronic arthritis will not require permanent medication but a good food diet would be helpful.

Gout diets recommend avoiding muscle food and high protein vegetables like beans, peas and lentils. Persons with high accumulated amounts of uric acid in their tissues require a longer period of treatment.

For more resources regarding Gout or even gout symptoms please visit this web page

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