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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Gout Linked To Diabetes

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Gout and diabetes have been together longer than peanut butter and jelly. These two sinister diseases have been wreaking havoc on the human population for many years, but why?

Before we discuss the connection between diabetes and gout, let?s review exactly what diabetes is. Diabetes is a disease where sufferers inject insulin to treat high levels of sugar in the body. A diabetes sufferer doesn?t make enough insulin by themselves so they need injections on a daily basis. Sometimes, patients need multiple injections per day to remain healthy.

While this may not sound like such a big deal, the major headache associated with diabetes come from the practically endless list of long-term problems that result from it.

The list of complications associated with diabetes reads like a laundry list of debilitating diseases: cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, severe eye damage, nerve damage, sexual dysfunction and possible gangrene, which can lead to amputation.

It?s here that gout shows its ugly face. The connection between gout and diabetes is linked to poor blood circulation in the limbs. The chances of coming down with gout increase when poor circulation in the feet result in a build-up of uric acid in the joints. Poor circulation is a hallmark of diabetes, so the two illnesses are closely associated.

So, what can be done?

While there is no cure for diabetes, there are some treatments available to help increase blood flow to parts of the body.

One of the most basic treatment methods is the application of a warm, wet cloth or towel to the infected area. The heat and moisture can help dilate blood vessels in the foot, therefore increasing blood flow.

If this rudimentary treatment doesn?t work, there are other options.

Exercise is a common way to help increase blood flow to the limbs. This may be difficult, however, for sufferers of gout, since standing or putting any pressure on a gout-ridden foot tends to be excruciating. So this works best as a preventative measure.

Drinking an extra glass or two of water per day has shown to help blood flow problems.

There are also many all-natural supplements that you can add to your diet to help put an end to gout outbreaks associated with diabetes.

Cayenne tincture has been a long-used cure all for anyone suffering from circulation problems. The herb has shown in studies to not only increase circulation, but also help in clearing the arteries and strengthening the muscles around the heart.

Ginkgo biloba is another herb that has many benefits for the body beyond simply improving circulation. While it does a fine job in that, ginkgo can also help improve memory, help with asthma symptoms and helps strengthen blood vessels.

If you?re looking to improve your circulation, keep gout away and scare off vampires, than garlic is the herb for you. Not only will it help your blood move easier, it is an excellent blood cleanser and helps with high blood pressure.

In conclusion, diabetes and gout are inexorably linked. While you may not be able to fully avoid gout if you suffer from diabetes, there are ways to help lessen your chances of coming down with this painful joint condition.

If you are looking for more help for Gout symptoms please visit and sign up for a free newsletter.

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