Cure Gout Instantly

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Relieve Gout Pain Now Without Taking Toxic Prescription Drugs

Click Here To Know The Symptoms, Causes & Effective Cures For Gout


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The description of a person who suffers from gout is a male over the age of forty years of age. In ancient times, the gout sufferer would have been royalty. Gout has been called the "king's disease" because only royalty could indulge in fatty food and alcohol to excess.

Gout is caused by a build up or uric acid crystals in the joint fluid. The immune system reacts to these crystals as if to a foreign invader. The joint, as a result, becomes inflamed and painful.

The symptoms are the sudden onset of burning pain and stiffness. The joints swell. The common areas affected by a gout attack are the big toes, ankle, knee, wrist and elbow.

Your medical doctor can diagnose whether you have gout through a blood test. Traditional treatment to help gout pain is NSAIDS to kill the pain. Allopurinol, is an anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the formation of uric acid. Allopurinol has serious side effects that include:

*Skin eruptions
*Liver toxicity,
*Inflammation of the blood vessels, and
*Possible weakening of kidney function

To help gout pain without taking toxic prescription drugs, follow these medical recommendations:


Recent medical advice supports the theory of regular exercise as a pain reliever for gout. The theory is that exercise nourishes the joint cartilage and removes waste products. Exercise also strengthens the muscles around the joint. Stronger muscles will support the joint. Stretching exercises maintains your range of motion.

2) Apply cold packs to inflamed swollen joint for 10-15 minutes,.

3) Put your joints gently through its full range of motion one to two times per day.

4) Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

Drinking sufficient amounts of water, fresh juices or herbal tea daily will relieve gout symptoms. The fluids keep the urine diluted to help the body excrete uric acid.

Add fresh squeezed lemon juice to your water daily. Lemon juice stimulates the formation of calcium carbonate in the body. Calcium carbonate neutralizes uric acid.

Diet Recommendations: Eliminate these foods to help gout pain

People who have gout are unable to break down and excrete uric acid, a byproduct of digesting certain foods. Reducing the consumption of these foods is very often successful in reducing or eliminating gout. It is recommended that individuals who suffer from gout eliminate these foods from the diet.





*Meat organs

*Red meat


Do not take aspirin for pain relief. Aspirin can raise uric acid levels Only use ibuprofen.

It is recommended that people who suffer from gout add these foods to their diet to help with gout pain. Baking Soda with meals will prevent gout attacks. Baking soda will help alkalize the body.

Take 2 grams of fish oil capsules 2x a day to reduce the chances of gout inflammation.

Eating 6-8 cherries daily will relieve the symptoms of gout.. Cherries are rich in compounds that prevent the destruction of collagen.

Mince garlic and add it to black cherry juice for a potent remedy to relieve gout pain.

Three to six shark cartilage tablets taken used on a daily basis can make the pain go away. Take 1000 mg of vitamin C 1,000 mg per hour at the very outset of a gout attack, then reduce to 500-3,000 mg daily for maintenance.

Vitamin C helps lower serum uric acid levels.

Get some natural, concentrated black cherry juice and drink several tablespoons daily. You should expect relief in 48 hours.

Blueberries are high in anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins, which help ease the pain of gout.

Boil one tablespoon of Cayenne pepper in 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water and dab onto the painful joint.

Grapes are high in alkalines which lessen the acidity of uric acid and aid in its elimination from the body.

Eating a cup of strawberries with each meal should bring quick relief. Strawberries neutralize uric acid.

Finding alternative treatment for gout pain is important. Gout sufferers are usually prescribed one of three types of drugs that have negative side affects. Finding a combination of natural ways to help gout pain will be beneficial for your long term health.

For more information on what helps gout try visiting, a popular website that provides arthritis treatment advice, tips and resources to include information on the cause of arthritis, arthritis pain and natural arthritis relief measures.

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