Cure Gout Instantly

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Herbal Remedies for Gout

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Millions of Americans suffer through gout, and the number keeps growing every year. An estimated two million Americans know the pain in the joints and the swelling of the extremities only too well. For many of these patients, medication is expensive. However, thanks to an increased interest in home remedies, there are now herbal remedies one can use to ease the pain.

Gout pains

Gout is caused by the deposition of monosodium urate, or uric acid, crystals in the joints of the body. Usually, this crystallization occurs in the outer extremities, specifically in the feet. Studies have shown that since there is less blood circulation in the feet, the purging of the uric acid crystals is less efficient in these parts of the body. Also, the feet are colder and uric acid crystals are more easily deposited in lower temperatures. Gout occurs as a result of the body's inability to cleanse the system of uric acid, and it happens more often to men than women.

Diet has a lot to do with getting gout. People whose diets consist mostly of junk food, shellfish, and organ meats run a higher risk of getting gout as compared to people who eat balanced meals regularly. It goes without saying that obese people are more at risk. Also, beer drinkers are more likely to get gout than wine drinkers.

How to control gout naturally

Many different natural remedies are available to those seeking a cheaper, more organic alternative. One example is the use of chickweed. Make tea out of one tablespoon of chickweed and one cup of boiling water. Allow it to sit for four hours then take a fourth of a cup four times a day. Be sure to filter out the chickweed before drinking it.

If you prefer ointments as immediate relief for gout, mix together one tablespoon of hops and one tablespoon of fresh unsalted butter. Use this mixture as an ointment and rub onto affected areas.

Finally, for those who like a little kick to homemade medication, try mixing two tablespoons of lilac blooms and seven hundred milliliters of vodka together to ease gout pain. Allow the mixture to sit for a week then take fifty drops three times a day before meals.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers

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