Cure Gout Instantly

Friday, May 8, 2009

How To Be Atkins Diet And Gout Friendly

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One of the first recommendations a doctor will give for an overweight gout sufferer is to lose the extra weight, so one option the sufferer often looks at is a comparison between an Atkins diet and gout friendly diet.

Obesity is one of the main risk factors for gout, with around half of all gout sufferers being classed as obese or overweight. So, considering the best diet to adopt will make a large difference to the success of the gout treatment you choose.

The Atkins diet is based on the theory that we eat too many refined carbohydrates which is why so many people are struggling to maintain a healthy weight. The extra carbohydrates that don't get used as fuel by the body are turned to sugar and stored as fat. Our bodies will burn both carbs and fat, however, they will always start with the excess carbs first as they are easier to process.

So the idea behind the Atkins diet is to severely restrict carb intake, forcing the body to burn its stores of fat. It may be a way to lose weight, but be careful if you're considering this diet as a gout sufferer.

Atkins and other low carb diets rely heavily on protein based foods and this is where the problems for gout sufferers start.

Gout is caused when hyperuricema occurs, this is a medical term for when the body has elevated levels of uric acid in the blood stream. Uric acid is a natural waste by-product that we produce, and which is normally eliminated mainly by the kidneys via urine. When this elimination process encounters a problem, or there is an unusually elevated level of uric acid in the body, uric acid crystals are formed and deposited in the joints.

It is the build up of crystals that cause gout symptoms - hot-to-touch, red, swollen and extremely painful joints. One of the main causes of hyperuricemia is eating purine-rich foods. When ingested, purine, is turned into uric acid.Normally the body can cope with this natural process, however, should the kidneys have impaired function or the level of purine intake increases dramatically, gout can be the outcome.

The foods that have the highest purine levels are animal based proteins. The very foods that make up the largest portion of the Atkins diet plan. So, you can see the problem that a gout sufferer may have by following Atkins or other low/restricted carb diets.

The alternative for gout sufferers may take a little longer to see results in terms of weight loss, however, the added bonus is the risk of potential further gout attacks is greatly reduced. The answer is to adopt a gout-friendly diet, drink more water and introduce as much exercise as safely possible.

A gout sufferer's weight loss should be gradual as rapid weight loss can actually have the opposite effect and make gout symptoms worse. Extreme dieting and rapid weight loss have the effect of raising uric acid levels in the body.

Gout friendly diets tend to be made up of complex-carbohydrates, low fat and low protein foods and, of course, foods low in purine. Protein is usually limited to no more than 100grams a day and it is best to avoid or limit alcohol, as this can increase uric acid production within the body. Aim to drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day to help dilute uric acid and speed up elimination.

By following a sensible gout diet you will be able to lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight and avoid further gout attacks at the same time. For more information about low carb, Atkins diet and gout friendly diets sign up for the free newsletter on the site.

By Lisa McDowell. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover more about the pros and cons of an Atkins diet and gout friendly diets. Uncover the various proven natural cure for gout options that are available.

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gout Recipes

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A person's diet changes dramatically when he is diagnosed with gout. Red meat, organ meat, shellfish, beans, and legumes are not allowed. The use of salt and oil should be limited. Alcohol intake is discouraged. So what else is there to eat and drink, you may ask. The answer is a lot. It is all just a matter of preparing the food you are allowed to eat into a fantastic and filling meal. Let this article guide you to the food that you can eat and the delicious ways to prepare them.

Gout-friendly ingredients

There are still many foods that a person who has gout can enjoy. Fruits like watermelons, oranges, and grapefruit and foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates like brown rice and whole wheat bread should make up 40 percent of a gout sufferer's diet. Cherries in particular have been said to be very beneficial in lowering uric acid levels in the blood. Aside from red meat, fish, lean meat such as chicken breast, and soy products are also great sources of protein. Vegetable oil instead of animal fat should be used.

Since salt should be used sparingly, other food flavorings should be used. Replace salt with herbs and spices like basil, marjoram, and oregano. Use garlic in particular because it is also known to lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Food preparation

Instead of frying, bake or grill fish and lean meat. Marinate marlin or swordfish with crushed garlic, pepper, and other spices, and grill it over fire. Serve this with brown rice and grilled vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers, corn and squash on the side.

For drinks, water is best but it will not hurt to try something different once in a while. For a refreshing drink, make a smoothie out of bananas, apples, watermelon, and silken tofu. Silken tofu is a great additive to smoothies. To sweeten, add a little honey or maple syrup. These are invert sugars and not simple sugars so they are just fine.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gout Cures

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Because of the significant medical advances recently, living with the maddening condition of aching of the joints known as gout has become more bearable. Many remedies, both herbal and pharmaceutical, are available to gout sufferers which will allow them to live normal lives. However, the recurrence of a gout attack is always a possibility so scientists have searched for a more lasting solution. This article is will guide you on the gout cures available today.

How gout cures work

Generally, gout cures work by breaking down the crystallized uric acid in the joints, allowing it to be flushed out of the body. They also prevent further crystallization of more uric acid in the joints. This is done by cleaning out the digestive system and ensuring the cleanliness of the kidneys which produce the acid. On the whole, gout cures are designed to restore proper working order to the digestive system, thereby eliminating the possibility of a gout attack.

The real thing?

Gout cures have only recently appeared on the market, so very little research has actually been done to test whether they are effective or not. However, consumer reactions have been positive so far. Gout cures claim to have allowed consumers to resume completely normal lives, and more importantly for gout sufferers, normal diets as well. Consumers have reported resuming their consumption of red meat, organ meat and alcohol, all of which are taboo on the gout sufferer's grocery list.

Most gout cures require that they be taken for an extended period of time in order to be fully effective. This could potentially mean high costs for medication. Also, manufacturers say that purine-rich foods which cause retention of uric acid in the bloodstream, are to be taken in moderation together with the healing foods. Therefore, instead of being a complete cure for gout, it would seem that these cures are simply more potent versions of the maintenance remedies already available.

However, if you feel that you absolutely must have a steak, then perhaps this is the instant cure you are looking for. It may be worth the cost.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Gout Research

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Gout has been in existence for more than two thousand years, and in that time, some very notable historical figures have had it. Henry VIII, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson are but a few of the famous gout sufferers. Though excruciatingly painful, gout is one of the most easily treatable forms of arthritis and many sufferers live normal lives even if there are certain limitations. Here are some general information on gout--how to identify it and how it is treated today.

What is gout?

As mentioned, gout is a form of acute arthritis caused by a condition called hyperurecemia (sometimes hyperurecaemia). This condition, which causes an elevated level of uric acid in the bloodstream, can cause the crystallization of uric acid in the soft tissues of the body, usually in the joints. This acid is produced by the kidneys when shellfish, red and organ meats, and legumes are digested. The crystals from the acid can cause a great deal of swelling, inflammation, and pain to the sufferer. If it manifests in the feet first and it can prevent you from walking completely. Recent research has shown that gout's tendency to manifest first in the joint of the big toe is due to the fact that the feet is the coldest part of the body. Uric acid crystals form quicker at low temperature. Many gout sufferers describe an attack of gout as having to be made to walk with shards of glass in your joints.

How to identify gout

Usually, gout manifests as swelling, pain and tenderness in the affected joint. It could resemble a very large bunion if found in the big toe. However, to accurately identify gout, you will have to go to a laboratory. The lab technician will extract some fluid from the affected joint and look at it under a microscope. This is the only way to differentiate gout from another of its arthritis "cousins," pseudo-gout.

While gout is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals, pseudo-gout is caused by a completely different chemical--the calcium pyrophosphate. It is called pseudo-gout because it manifests in basically the same way and treatment for it is the same as well with only a few variations.

Modern treatment for gout

Thanks to modern medicine, gone are the days of tongue of toad and eye of newt as remedies for gout. Instead, there are many different kinds of treatments for that nagging ache in the joints, both herbal and pharmaceutical. In fact, many of the pharmaceutical remedies have a herbal base. Many of the potent cures for gout use ingredients such as turmeric, artichoke, and aged-odorless garlic. While these may not prove to be long-term cures (they require extended periods of usage), they do allow gout sufferers to enjoy the occasional baked oyster or piece of steak again. Without having to resort to external remedies, most people with gout have to remove such foods like sausages, beans, and spinach from their diet because they elevate the uric acid levels in the blood.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Gout Medication

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Gout medications come in various forms used for treatment, control, and prevention. Gout itself is a condition that prevents the body from cleansing itself of monosodium urate, or uric acid, from the bloodstream, thereby causing the substance to crystallize in the joints. This can be excruciatingly painful for the patient that is why medicines are taken to alleviate pain or prevent the formation of uric acid crystals altogether.

Treatment of Gout

Since gout patients require immediate relief from the immense pain their condition causes them, there are medications such as corticosteroids (or simply "steroids") that quickly reduce swelling and inflammation. Because of the potency of these drugs, they are usually prescribed in small doses over a short period of time. Steroids have gotten a bad reputation over the years with athletes using them as a performance-enhancing drug, but as long as they are used as prescribed, no ill effects should be experienced.

Controlling gout

With the right combination of diet and medication, gout can be controlled even if the patient has already acquired the condition. Certain drugs such as allopurinol help prevent gout by reducing the uric acid levels in the blood, ultimately making the body more efficient in removing excess uric acid. As compared to corticosteroids, allopurinol and its "cousin" sulfinpyrazone (a drug that works in as much the same way as allopurinol), need to be taken over an extended period of time in order for the body to defend itself against an excessive build-up of uric acid. In most cases, these drugs are given together with corticosteroids or other anti-inflammatory medication for the first few months, particularly if the patient suffered an attack only recently. Research has shown that the frequency of attacks in users of these drugs has dropped remarkably after three to six months of treatment.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Effective Process Of Countering Gout Attacks

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The first step towards an effective treatment of gout is the successful diagnosis of gout. The various symptoms exhibited by the patient, blood tests that show excessive levels of uric acid, and the finding of urate crystals in the fluid surrounding the joints help in the diagnosis of gout. X-rays on chronic patients of gout reveal damage to the bones and the cartilage tissues.

A comprehensive treatment of gout would include rapid termination of the pain and swelling of the joints associated with gout, thwarting future attacks and preventing further complications like formation of kidney stones and damage to the joints.

Curing gout becomes a challenge if additional medical conditions exist along with gout, and if the patient fails to comply with the suggested mode of living and the prescribed course of therapy.

At present there is no definitive cure for gout, but the symptoms can be alleviated to a great extent and future gout attacks can be successfully prevented by means of a suitable diet, a healthy routine and medications.

The appropriate diet for gout can be briefly summed up under the following points:

- Restriction of food with a high purine content in order to prevent excessive production of uric acid in the body.

- Drinking at least 96 ounces of non-alcoholic liquids every day to dilute the body fluids and help the kidney in functioning properly.

- Avoiding food items that increase the pH level of the body fluid.

A healthy lifestyle can be adopted by:

- Reducing consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

- Losing excess weight through regular exercise.

The medication regimen meant for curing gout has to be designed to suit the needs of the particular patient and the medicines might have to be changed intermittently. The medications that are usually prescribed in the cure of gout include:

- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed to assuage the pain and swelling of an acute attack. Colchicine, corticosteroids or adrenocorticotropic hormone may also be recommended.

- Colchicine, Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazone or Allopurinol may be advised to avert future attacks.

The patient needs to understand all side effects that might be involved in taking these medications. Following the doctor?s advice meticulously can successfully cure the sufferings of gout.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What are the Best Diets for Gout?

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Gout is a pretty nasty form of arthritis that comes on suddenly and can leave the sufferer in a lot of pain. It's also the only form of arthritis that is directly affected by what you eat. But before we look at the best diets for gout, we'll take a look at how gout develops and why the wrong food choices can have such a devastating effect.

Gout is caused by an excessive build up of uric acid in the blood, which often leads to uric acid crystal deposits in the spaces between the joints and the soft connecting tissues around them. It is these sharp, rough edged crystals that cause gout symptoms; a hot, red, swollen, stiff and very painful joint.

Gout attacks can come on fast and often strike at night, waking you up with a throbbing joint, most commonly the big toe. Gout usually flares up in the feet or ankle joints, as uric acid crystals need cooler temperatures to form. As the feet, and in particular the big toe, are furthest away from the heart, they are the coolest parts of the body. However, this isn't always the case as gout can strike anywhere - wrists, fingers, elbows, knees etc.

The build up of uric acid in the blood is usually because the body is struggling to process it eliminate it at an appropriate rate. Uric acid is a natural product found in the body and is also produced whne the body breaks down purine - a compound found in animal protein and other foods.

The inability to eliminate uric acid swiftly and efficiently can often be a hereditary issue, or point to a compromised kidney function.

Uric Acid is dissolved in the blood stream and eliminated from the body via the kidneys in your urine. Should your kidneys not be running at optimum levels uric acid elimination slows down and increased levels of uric acid are found in the blood stream.

A person can have high levels of uric acid in their blood stream and not go on to develop gout, however for those people who do it can be a debilitating disease, impinging on your daily activities and even leaving some people housebound during a bad flare-up.

You can rely on medications to reduce your uric acid production, however, following a gout friendly diet can be enough for some people to stop gout from striking again. So, what are the best diets for gout?

Well, following a low fat, low calorie, low purine diet is a great way to reduce the level of purines intake, and therefore, reduce the amount of uric acid.

The worst offenders for high purine foods are organ meats, red meats, processed meats, and shellfish, legumes and yeast extracts. By avoiding these foods or dramatically reducing them in you diet, you'll lower the purine entering your body and thereby reduce the amount of uric acid your body produces.

While following a low purine diet you should cut out or heavily restrict your consumption of alcohol, especially beer and wine, as alcohol increases uric acid production. Alcohol also puts a strain on the kidneys; as they are busy processing the alcohol, the uric acid elimination is delayed, leading to a build up in the blood stream.

If you want to have a drink or two, ensure that you alternate with water or fruit juices to keep your body hydrated. Avoid soda though, as that can impact on your uric acid levels.

Alcohol aside, it is really important as a gout sufferer to keep your body hydrated at all times. Drink at least 8 - 10 eight glasses of water a day. If you find water too boring, try adding some fruit juice to it. By staying hydrated you are diluting uric acid levels in the bloodstream and also making it easier for your kidneys to expel excess uric acid via urine.

By getting your uric acid levels to an acceptable level the probability of suffering further gout attacks diminishes. You'll find more information on the best diets for gout on our site and by signing up for our free newsletter.

By Lisa McDowell. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover which are the best diets for gout and how they can be an effective as a natural cure for gout.

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