Cure Gout Instantly

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gout - Causes, Prevention and Natural Pain Relief

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Gout isn't just the "disease of kings" and rich aristocrats. Gout is very democratic. In fact, over two million Americans from all walks of life suffer from this painful condition.

Why? Because in the modern world we live in just about anyone can eat like a king and overindulge in "rich" food and alcohol.

But modern science now knows the causes of gout, how it can be prevented and what to do for natural pain relief. And it's not difficult.

What causes gout?

Although red meat and alcohol are the main causes of gout, they're not the only cause.

This painful disease can also be hereditary or the result of joint injury, surgery or chemotherapy. Even a crash diet with rapid weight loss can cause gout to flare-up.

It was once thought that gout patients should avoid all high purine foods, but the latest research from the Harvard Medical School shows that the primary foods that cause gout are fatty red meats, certain seafood and all alcohol.

Researchers discovered that alcohol increases levels of uric acid in the blood and interferes with its elimination from the body. And each daily serving of meat increases gout risk by 21 percent.

How can you reduce your odds for gout?

The best way to prevent gout (and other degenerative diseases) is to eat a healthy diet.

Always take the initial attack of gout as a warning signal. If you don't immediately change your lifestyle, flare-ups can become more frequent, more painful and even crippling.

Begin by eliminating or seriously limiting all alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Instead drink ten or more glasses of water a day. Water helps to will flush uric acid out of the body and provides safe, easy, rapid relief.

Then cut way back on beef (particularly organ meats), pork, lamb and most seafood. People who eat the most meat and seafood have 50 percent more gout flare-ups

What should you eat?

Lean chicken and low-fat dairy are your best sources of protein. Harvard researchers found that and those who ate the most low-fat dairy had 50 percent less flare-ups.

Also eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, even those high in purines, such as asparagus and cauliflower. The research team found eating high purine vegetables didn't increase either the risk or the symptoms of gout.

Eating a diet low in fatty meats and high in whole grains, lean chicken, low fat dairy and fruit and vegetables can also help you reach and maintain your optimum weight.

Excess weight puts greater stress on joints as well as increasing uric acid levels. But avoid low carb diets, crash diets and fasting since they can increase the risk of gout.

What can you do for safe pain relief?

Dr. Hyon Choi, the lead investigator of the Harvard study, recommends supplementing the diet with fish oil for natural gout pain relief. Omega 3 fish oils DHA, EPA have been found to be nature's most potent anti-inflammatory agents and arthritis pain relievers.

Research shows fish oil is just as effective as and a lot safer than such non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as Advil, Motrin, Nuprin and Aleve.

As Dr. Choi said, "By taking fish oil capsules, rather than eating a lot of fish, you can get all the omega 3 benefits without the problem causing purines."

By the way, fish oil fatty acids are also recommended by the American Heart Association to help prevent heart disease and sudden cardiac death.

Moss Greene is the Nutrition Editor for BellaOnline.

Copyright ? Moss Greene. All rights reserved.

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Friday, October 24, 2008

How To Be Atkins Diet And Gout Friendly

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One of the first recommendations a doctor will give for an overweight gout sufferer is to lose the extra weight, so one option the sufferer often looks at is a comparison between an Atkins diet and gout friendly diet.

Obesity is one of the main risk factors for gout, with around half of all gout sufferers being classed as obese or overweight. So, considering the best diet to adopt will make a large difference to the success of the gout treatment you choose.

The Atkins diet is based on the theory that we eat too many refined carbohydrates which is why so many people are struggling to maintain a healthy weight. The extra carbohydrates that don't get used as fuel by the body are turned to sugar and stored as fat. Our bodies will burn both carbs and fat, however, they will always start with the excess carbs first as they are easier to process.

So the idea behind the Atkins diet is to severely restrict carb intake, forcing the body to burn its stores of fat. It may be a way to lose weight, but be careful if you're considering this diet as a gout sufferer.

Atkins and other low carb diets rely heavily on protein based foods and this is where the problems for gout sufferers start.

Gout is caused when hyperuricema occurs, this is a medical term for when the body has elevated levels of uric acid in the blood stream. Uric acid is a natural waste by-product that we produce, and which is normally eliminated mainly by the kidneys via urine. When this elimination process encounters a problem, or there is an unusually elevated level of uric acid in the body, uric acid crystals are formed and deposited in the joints.

It is the build up of crystals that cause gout symptoms - hot-to-touch, red, swollen and extremely painful joints. One of the main causes of hyperuricemia is eating purine-rich foods. When ingested, purine, is turned into uric acid.Normally the body can cope with this natural process, however, should the kidneys have impaired function or the level of purine intake increases dramatically, gout can be the outcome.

The foods that have the highest purine levels are animal based proteins. The very foods that make up the largest portion of the Atkins diet plan. So, you can see the problem that a gout sufferer may have by following Atkins or other low/restricted carb diets.

The alternative for gout sufferers may take a little longer to see results in terms of weight loss, however, the added bonus is the risk of potential further gout attacks is greatly reduced. The answer is to adopt a gout-friendly diet, drink more water and introduce as much exercise as safely possible.

A gout sufferer's weight loss should be gradual as rapid weight loss can actually have the opposite effect and make gout symptoms worse. Extreme dieting and rapid weight loss have the effect of raising uric acid levels in the body.

Gout friendly diets tend to be made up of complex-carbohydrates, low fat and low protein foods and, of course, foods low in purine. Protein is usually limited to no more than 100grams a day and it is best to avoid or limit alcohol, as this can increase uric acid production within the body. Aim to drink 8 - 10 glasses of water a day to help dilute uric acid and speed up elimination.

By following a sensible gout diet you will be able to lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight and avoid further gout attacks at the same time. For more information about low carb, Atkins diet and gout friendly diets sign up for the free newsletter on the site.

By Lisa McDowell. Sign up for a free newsletter & discover more about the pros and cons of an Atkins diet and gout friendly diets. Uncover the various proven natural cure for gout options that are available.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gout Recipes

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A person's diet changes dramatically when he is diagnosed with gout. Red meat, organ meat, shellfish, beans, and legumes are not allowed. The use of salt and oil should be limited. Alcohol intake is discouraged. So what else is there to eat and drink, you may ask. The answer is a lot. It is all just a matter of preparing the food you are allowed to eat into a fantastic and filling meal. Let this article guide you to the food that you can eat and the delicious ways to prepare them.

Gout-friendly ingredients

There are still many foods that a person who has gout can enjoy. Fruits like watermelons, oranges, and grapefruit and foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates like brown rice and whole wheat bread should make up 40 percent of a gout sufferer's diet. Cherries in particular have been said to be very beneficial in lowering uric acid levels in the blood. Aside from red meat, fish, lean meat such as chicken breast, and soy products are also great sources of protein. Vegetable oil instead of animal fat should be used.

Since salt should be used sparingly, other food flavorings should be used. Replace salt with herbs and spices like basil, marjoram, and oregano. Use garlic in particular because it is also known to lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Food preparation

Instead of frying, bake or grill fish and lean meat. Marinate marlin or swordfish with crushed garlic, pepper, and other spices, and grill it over fire. Serve this with brown rice and grilled vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers, corn and squash on the side.

For drinks, water is best but it will not hurt to try something different once in a while. For a refreshing drink, make a smoothie out of bananas, apples, watermelon, and silken tofu. Silken tofu is a great additive to smoothies. To sweeten, add a little honey or maple syrup. These are invert sugars and not simple sugars so they are just fine.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Gout Cures

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Because of the significant medical advances recently, living with the maddening condition of aching of the joints known as gout has become more bearable. Many remedies, both herbal and pharmaceutical, are available to gout sufferers which will allow them to live normal lives. However, the recurrence of a gout attack is always a possibility so scientists have searched for a more lasting solution. This article is will guide you on the gout cures available today.

How gout cures work

Generally, gout cures work by breaking down the crystallized uric acid in the joints, allowing it to be flushed out of the body. They also prevent further crystallization of more uric acid in the joints. This is done by cleaning out the digestive system and ensuring the cleanliness of the kidneys which produce the acid. On the whole, gout cures are designed to restore proper working order to the digestive system, thereby eliminating the possibility of a gout attack.

The real thing?

Gout cures have only recently appeared on the market, so very little research has actually been done to test whether they are effective or not. However, consumer reactions have been positive so far. Gout cures claim to have allowed consumers to resume completely normal lives, and more importantly for gout sufferers, normal diets as well. Consumers have reported resuming their consumption of red meat, organ meat and alcohol, all of which are taboo on the gout sufferer's grocery list.

Most gout cures require that they be taken for an extended period of time in order to be fully effective. This could potentially mean high costs for medication. Also, manufacturers say that purine-rich foods which cause retention of uric acid in the bloodstream, are to be taken in moderation together with the healing foods. Therefore, instead of being a complete cure for gout, it would seem that these cures are simply more potent versions of the maintenance remedies already available.

However, if you feel that you absolutely must have a steak, then perhaps this is the instant cure you are looking for. It may be worth the cost.

Gout provides detailed information on Causes Of Gout, Foods That Cause Gout, Gout, Gout Home Remedy and more. Gout is affiliated with Laser Printers.


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